Fortune Cookies

Fortune from fortune cookie laying on decorate box reading "Tanner's stuff"

As a kid, I was always excited to open a fortune cookie and read what was in store for my life. My son was recently digging through some of my old belongings and showed me an item that made me smile.

As you can see from the picture, I likely got the box when I was somewhere between six and eight years-old. I kept my most prized items in the box: a few baseball cards, ticket stubs to concerts and other events, etc. One fortune I saved read, "You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yourself."

If you knew me in my youth, I wasn't considered "most likely to succeed" in anyone's minds. This fortune must have inspired me in some way that I would hold onto it for over 30 years.

Today, I am much less concerned about making a name for myself, but I do appreciate how an ambitious nature has benefitted me and many others in my circle. I have the rare opportunity to work with my two brothers and many great friends. We have been able to multiply each other and others around us.

I may not keep all my fortunes anymore, but I strive to document (sometimes on this blog!) the words and experiences that inspire me to become the best version of myself possible.




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