Personal Assessments

For the last 10 years, I have been on a fascinating journey to try to understand myself. What makes me tick? What are my strengths?

Start With Why by Simon Sinek has inspired many people to ask, "What is your why?" I get asked this question almost daily. I have sat and thought about my why many times. I want to find it and be able to clearly tell someone what my why is. I have a few versions of my why, but I am not focusing on processing that right now, as I am still trying to learn about me.

I have taken many personal assessments, and each time I learn a little bit more about myself. My personal faith has taught me that God gives me weaknesses, so I will be humble, turn to Him and rely on the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. I believe these words from scripture with all my heart: "And if men come unto me, I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then I will make weak things become strong unto them."

Of the many assessments I've taken, lately I've been thinking about my Clifton StrengthsFinder results. I have enjoyed the mindset brought forward by Gallup that I shouldn't spend tremendous time trying to change my weaknesses, but rather focus on making my strengths into super powers. With that in mind, here is a list of my strengths:


I love to work. My job has been my livelihood, passion and hobby for the last 15+ years. I used to identify myself as a workaholic, but now feel that I love to work and have put boundaries in place, so that passion doesn't negatively impact my family or faith.


I seek to put a plan in motion and keep it in motion until it's complete. I have often identified that this focus can cause me to neglect other priorities, most importantly my relationships. I find it problematic when I tell my wife or mother, "Please don't call me during my most productive work hours." At the end of my life, I will not be thinking about my most productive work hours, but instead I will be thinking about the amazing relationships I have developed.


This strength is an interesting one, as I consistently look for new ideas, concepts and technologies. I am inspired by the future. I am inspired to help create a better future for myself and others. This mindset causes me to typically be optimistic and to try to help other envision the future and a better future version of themselves.


Those with a strong faith in a higher power tend to believe there are few coincidences. For me, the idea of connectedness comes with the territory of believing in God and Jesus Christ. This strength has particularly become clear in my constant desire to learn from events and experiences. I consistently wonder, "What were we supposed to learn from this and take into the future?"


I have read the StrengthsFinder book a few times and spoken with a certified coach in the past, and I used to be embarrassed by this strength. I understood it to mean that I was only interested in status and praise. Today as I was reflecting, I read, "People talented in Significance want to make a big impact."

I have quietly gone about a research project for the last few years trying to find a formula to measure Return on Impact. I have talked about impact with my children, friends and business partners. As I have very intentionally programmed how to use my time, I have defaulted to impact.

For the first time today, I could see where Significance is a strength that I should not be embarrassed by. It reflects the part of my why to help others multiply or become the best versions of themselves. Those who have worked closely with me can hopefully all say that I have helped them become better and more valuable through our interactions. I may fail at times, but that is my pursuit.


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