
I have listened to Relentless by Tim S. Grover five times through. Some people could read the book and find tremendous imbalance, as I did the first time I listened. I recently decided to read a physical copy to see if I could enhance my application.

As I considered how to be relentless, I thought about how the principle applies to my most important roles as Husband, Father, Disciple of Christ, Brother, Son, Friend and Multiplier. I found greater value in applying the concepts to what matters most instead of seeing through the eyes of a professional athlete.

Here are a few of my notes from my latest time through the book:

  • To be relentless: Decide. Commit. Act. Succeed. Repeat.

  • Relentlessness is about achieving the impossible.

  • Relentlessness is about never being satisfied, always driving to be the best, and then getting even better. It's about finding the gear that gets you to the next level.

  • Michael Jordan was the best because he was relentless about winning and in his belief that there's no such thing as "good enough."

The author divides people into three groups: coolers, closers and cleaners. Coolers wait to be told what to do, and closers can handle the pressure and loves rewards, glory and perks. Cleaners don't view anything as impossible.The following are principles of the mindset of Cleaners:


  • A clean just knows.

  • Stop at nothing to execute.

  • Take responsibility for everything.

  • Cleaners are rule breakers when they have to be.

  • When everything else goes wrong and everyone else starts to panic, Cleaners are CALM and unflappable, cool and steady, never too high or too low, never too happy or too depressed.

  • Cleaners don't see problems, only situations to solve.

  • Most people are afraid to climb that high because if they fail, the fall will kill them. Cleaners are willing to die trying.

  • Cleaners are never content.

  • Cleaners only care about the end result, not the instant gratification along the way.

  • Cleaners do the hardest things first, just to show there's no task too big.

  • Cleaners never get cranked up or emotional. They stay cool and calm and save it all for the game.

  • Cleaners operate in the zone, no wasted motion, no chaos, no warning.

  • Cleaners control their feelings and not the other way around.

To see what else I've been reading, please check out my other blog posts.


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