Loom Videos
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

Loom Videos

Loom is one of my new favorite tools that enables me to easily share information with team members and partners.

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2020 Book Reviews
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

2020 Book Reviews

Here is my full 2020 reading list, along with my Top 10 books for the year.

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Turn Desires Into Gold
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

Turn Desires Into Gold

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is one of my favorite books, and I have been rereading the section about desire.

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Knowledge of the Master Mind
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

Knowledge of the Master Mind

By building relationships, you can tap into a greater wealth of knowledge, which will better both you and your business.

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2020 Year to Date Book Reviews
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

2020 Year to Date Book Reviews

The past couple years I’ve written an annual review of all the books I read the previous year, and this time I wanted to compile my 2020 reads so far.

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Investment Criteria
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

Investment Criteria

I have spent time thinking through my personal investment criteria for projects and companies.

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My son and I were running the other day, and we had an interesting conversation about trust in relationships.

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Life Lessons from a Friend
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

Life Lessons from a Friend

I have a friend who has a story for every situation, and I’ve recently started compile a list of lessons learned from him.

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Learning from Social Distancing
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

Learning from Social Distancing

Social distancing became a common practicing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I wanted to share what I learned from the experience.

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Steps to Get Client Referrals
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Steps to Get Client Referrals

In “Joe’s Marketing Book” by Joe Polish, he outlines five tips for getting client referrals, which I summarized and added my personal insights.

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Referability Habits
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Referability Habits

I have been reflecting on the referability habits taught by Dan Suliivan of Strategic Coach and their value in my business.

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2019 Book Reviews
Tanner Milne Tanner Milne

2019 Book Reviews

In 2019, I set out to read a book each week and ended up reading 48, which are listed here.

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