Steps to Get Client Referrals

In a previous post, I wrote about referability habits that every professional should develop, based on the principles of the team at Strategic Coach. I’ve continued to study how to get client referrals and found inspiration in Joe’s Marketing Book by Joe Polish.

I will summarize Polish’s five tips for getting client referrals and add in my personal experience.

Ask the right person

You will want to ask for referrals from someone who has witnessed your work ethic firsthand. In commercial real estate, I typically represent entire companies, so I will only ask for referrals from my main points of contact within a business. You’re also more likely to get referrals from people with larger spheres of influence.

Ask at the right time

Polish says that the best time to ask is after a client has made a purchase they are happy with. I like to ask for referrals soon after we’ve closed a deal. Another good time would be after the client is all moved into their new space.

Tell them why

Menlo Group doesn’t currently have a formal reward program in place, but many companies have found this to be an effective strategy to get more referrals. You will want to educate clients on the benefits they receive by sharing a referral.

Follow up

The worst thing you can do is to receive a referral and then not follow up. You will want to reach out, inform them of your shared connection and try to set up an appointment. If the timing isn’t right, keep the person’s contact information in your CRM to begin nurturing that relationship. Many leads, especially in commercial real estate, take time to warm up before they are ready to transact.

Say thank you

If you have a reward system in place, be sure to follow through with your promised reward. I like to send a handwritten thank you note soon after the referral is received and then again after we close a deal with the referred client. A small gift can also show my appreciation for the referral.

By following these steps, you will be able to gain more client referrals and continue to see your business grow. To learn more, I highly recommend you check out Joe’s Marketing Book.


Learning from Social Distancing


Referability Habits