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Productivity Hacks for 2020

This year has given me the opportunity to find ways to improve myself. The following list includes the practices and tools I'm currently striving to implement to increase my productivity:

  • Elevate & Delegate: This tool comes from the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). I try to outsource or delegate the non-essentials or activities that are not in my unique ability. You can work through this process by following the steps here. Feel free to reach out to me if you'd like an example of this.

  • Manage my inbox: I strive to implement Inbox Zero, as taught by Merlin Mann. I only check my email at certain times of the day. This practice is super tough if you're in professional services like I am. I always start the week with my inbox cleared out and attempt to get there daily, but sometimes it's not possible.

  • Limit TV watching: I only watch TV on Friday and Saturday nights.

  • Read in the mornings and at night: I'm an avid reader, as evidenced by my reading lists from 2018, 2019 and 2020 thus far. I'm able to read this much because I limit my time spent on things such as watching TV.

  • Determine daily objectives: I start the day with the question, "If I only had one hour today, what would I choose to do?" This way I only focus on the most important tasks.

  • Follow my morning routine: I have a strict morning routine that helps me jumpstart my day.

  • Set my environment: I'm a big fan of the open office space, but for "deep work" I have to have a dialed in space. The concept of deep work comes from Cal Newport's book.

  • Review V/TO: The Vision/Traction Organizer is another EOS tool that outlines long-term and short-term goals. I review mine at least weekly and would love to do so daily. Reach out to me if you're interested in learning more about this.

  • Disconnect from my phone: When I get home from work, I leave my phone in my car and don't retrieve it until my kids are in bed. This habit enables me to be more present.

  • Chart at night: Doctors often chart at the end of a busy day to make sure they get everything documented. I review calls, meetings, texts, etc. and make sure I capture the information. Then I create necessary tasks to make sure things don't get missed.

  • Take weekly clarity breaks: The more clarity breaks I take the better the practice gets. I love the list of ideas and to dos that come from this time of reflection.

  • Follow a nighttime routine: I finally have dialed this practice in and have been super pumped about that.

What habits or tools help you to get the most out of your day? Comment below or drop me a line at tanner@menlocre.com.