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Power of the Master Mind

When I read a book, I write down key concepts that impact me, so I can easily refer back to them. Recently, I read my notes on Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill as I pondered the benefit and power of effective meetings. It was fun to review my highlights, and I wanted to share.

Hill dedicates an entire chapter to what he calls the Master Mind. He defines the Master Mind as the “coordination of knowledge and effort, in spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” He furthers that individuals can only have great power (which he defines as “organized and intelligently directed knowledge” necessary for the accumulation and retention of money) by utilizing the Master Mind.

The Master Mind occurs when two or more people work toward a goal. According to Hill, by selecting a quality group, “your objective will have been halfway reached, even before you begin to recognize it,” so it’s important to surround yourself with “other men of brains.”

The power achieved by the Master Mind is more than one person could produce alone—“just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery.” When working together, this group is able to “absorb power directly from the greatest universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence… It is the source to which the genius and every great leader turn.”

I have been a part of many organized and unorganized Master Minds, which have played an important role in my progress as an entrepreneur and leader. Effective meetings can unleash the power of the Master Mind, so it’s important to have an agenda, focus on important issues and ensure every voice is heard.

I’d love to hear from you: what is your Master Mind?