2022 Book Reviews

Between my newfound interest in Louis L’Amour and rereading all five Jack Carr books, this year I read less business books than ever before.

I compare this year’s book review to cleaning out the garage, but in this case, a three-car garage where all the junk gets thrown. I didn’t do a great job of capturing much along the way, and I know for sure there are a handful of reads that happened but didn’t make the list.

My intent here isn’t to show my volume, but rather to share some recommendations. Many people come to me and say, “What should I read? I’m looking for a good business book.” I feel like I have to start with my top 10 and say, “Have you read these?” So below, I have bolded my top books that I will recommend you read if you haven’t yet.

2022 was another great year of reading. To check out my past book reviews, click here.


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